Solutions for High Pressure Special Applications & Repair, Maintenance and General Services for High Pressure Equipment (e.g. CIP, HIP)

In addition to the design and construction of cold and hot isostatic presses (refer to CIP and HIP), we also offer other general services in the field of high pressure applications.

Amongst other things, this includes the following, services:

  • The construction of high pressure vessels including high pressure sealing systems for special applications, whereby we fully take into account the rules and regulations set out in the European Pressure Equipment Directive
  • The development of special application solutions for high pressure vessels, e.g. concerning the implementation of power supply and signal implementation
  • The construction of laboratory test benches and experimental set-ups
  • Maintenance, Repair and spare parts acquisition for existing high pressure installations (hot and cold isostatic presses as well as hydraulic presses, especially those with a working pressure of more than 500 bar and higher)
  • Piping replacements for high pressure installations with a working pressure of more than 500 bar and higher
  • Organization and technical preparation of regularly repeated checking of high pressure vessels (e.g. communication with regulatory authority such as TÜV and implementation of the testing pressure with our mobile high pressure testing pump)
  • Demonstration of possibilities for laboratory high pressure equipment for cold and hot isostatic presses. For this purpose we have, amongst other possibilities, our own in-house HIP plant


CREMER HIP Innovations GmbH

Tel.: +49 – 2421 – 968 30 0



The CREMER Principle






Das sagen unsere Kunden

… the care and attention expressed in the craftsmanship of our new furnace gives me the impression we are taking ownership of a modern piece of manufactured “artwork” more so than one highly engineered UHT furnace!